Get Ready for
The 2025 NSSB
The National Spanish Spelling Bee, helps children develop self-confidence, communication and public speaking skills, and the ability to thrive under pressure.
Prepare for the National Spanish Spelling Bee
The 2025 Booklet and Lista de Palabras is now complete. Many thanks to the volunteers who spent countless hours editing the Lista and assisting with the modification of the rules and procedures.
The experiences and the lessons learned by participants can last a lifetime.
The National Spanish Spelling Bee is for students in grades 4 through 8. Competitors must have placed in a State or Regional Spanish Spelling Bee in the year of the National Bee. If no State or Regional Bee is available in your area, please contact us for more information.
All the words used for the spelling competition will be taken and can be found in the various sources such as the Real Academia dictionary, Diccionario abreviado del español actual, the Pequeño Larousse Ilustrado dictionary or a Spanish dictionary of the same quality.
The oral spelling should be correct and complete. Special marks must be included (i.e., accents or tilde, diérisis {ü}, capital letters, etc... Such marks may be spelled out during or after the word has been spelled out.
more than just the National Spanish spelling bee
+Promotes literacy
Provides Children with a possitive goal to work towards.
Gives them a purpose for reading.
Provides a performance-forum to display the fruits of their hard work.
Aids children in learning concepts, improving comprehension and developing study skills.
Helps develop self-confidence, communication and public speaking skills, and the ability to thrive under pressure.
"Thank a Bee Sponsor"
The Bee is made possible by our amazing sponsors and partners. Through their generous donations, we are able to host the event and can also provide participants with trophies, medals, and prizes to recognize their achievements.
Get Involved Today!
The first National Spanish Spelling Bee was held in 2011. Each year, the program has grown as participants from more states get involved.